First: National goals
The Department seeks to contribute to the following national goals:
- Develop the national economy to be prosperous and open to regional and global markets.
- Strengthening government administration to be financially stable, transparent and accountable at the central and local levels.
Second: The National Axis
Financial Services and Government Financial Reform Ministry/Income and Sales Tax Service
Third: Jordan Vision and Strategy 2025
Macroeconomic stability: strategic priority
- Strengthening the management of tax revenues and improving the collection process.
- Review government legislation on revenues, including tax legislation, to further achieve equity in the distribution of tax burdens and the promotion of government revenues.
- Strengthening the capabilities of tax services, including the Income and Sales Tax Service, particularly with regard to tax inspections, corporate taxes and sales.
- Activating the mechanisms for collecting the accumulated arrears owed to the government on various sides.
- Conduct a periodic assessment to show the impact of decisions to boost revenues and the impact of the amendment of tax laws on the achievement of economic objectives.
- Improving income tax data at the family level by requiring all Jordanian families to file an annual tax return even if the family income has been exempted from income tax.
- Expand the use of electronic systems to collect revenue.
- Expand the use of technology and information technology in collecting public revenues in order to facilitate collection procedures such as the national payment system and electronic card payments.
- Expanding the online user base and shifting towards the provision of services electronically.
- Application of the international scanner system (Bardcode) in the collection of financial vouchers.
- Limit exemptions and tighten exemption provisions.
- Reducing tax exemptions and setting clear conditions for them.
- Declaration of exemption decisions issued by the Council of Ministers and the reasons behind the grants.
- Ministry of Finance's Strategic Objectives
- Promoting financial policy-making mechanisms
- Improve the efficiency of oversight and effective management of financial resources
- Advancing the principles of disclosure and transparency
- Improving the services provided to citizens and institutions benefiting from the ministry's services
- Strengthening the human and cognitive abilities of ministry employees
Fourth: Economic Growth Stimulus Plan 2018-2022
- Adjust ing the deficit of the public budget and public debt within safe levels.
Achieving the goal of the budget law efficiently and effectively by developing revenue forecasting, developing accurate estimated data, raising the efficiency of collection and reducing debt.
- Ease of doing business and competitiveness:
- Promoting and stimulating the business and investment environment, increasing its competitiveness, maximizing investment opportunities, and improving tax administration:
- Streamlining procedures and developing tax services
- • Reduce tax evasion, anti-money laundering.
- • Reducing the cost of tax compliance for SMEs to enhance and stimulate the capabilities of promising and leading economic sectors.
- • Maximize Jordanian exports, strengthen the position of Jordanian producer in international markets, open new promising and renewed markets and activate free trade agreements.
- • Constantly evaluate and review economic measures to promote and generalize successful ones and modify what they do not achieve their objectives.
- Contribute effectively to raising the efficiency of the public sector and its employees to provide a better level of services.
- Developing and empowering human resources by implementing an appropriate training strategy.
- Empowering women by analyzing the reality of women in the department, empowering them and increasing their leadership role.
- Developing institutional performance evaluation units through activating the development and performance evaluation department
- Rooting out institutional culture, censoring the code of professional conduct and building an institutional culture
- Supporting creativity and excellence and holding the underprivileged accountable and accounting by reviewing and developing career excellence awards
- And activate the activity of the management of knowledge and tax culture.
Strategic Department objectives
- Developing a financial resource for the government that provides the Treasury with revenues to enable it to exercise its functions.
- Increase tax commitment and voluntary costly response by developing awareness and raising the level of transparency and quality of tax services.