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Abu Ali from “AL Albait University”: Income & Sales Tax Department adopted a package of projects towards the transformation into a “Digital Department”

Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, DG of the Income & Sales Tax Department (ISTD) said that ISTD expanded the provision of taxpayers services electronically; it provided all the taxpayers services online without having to visit the department from its plan to improve the taxpayers and main partner’s services with the department. ISTD eservices reached (65) e-service inclusive all the basic tax services in order to enable the taxpayers and their representatives and the visitors to complete their transactions with the ISTD without having to visit the department in person. Abu Ali added during a literature in Al-Albayt University at the attendance of prof. Dr. President Osama Nusair, Vice Presidents, Business college Dean Prof. Dr. Marie Bani Khaled and a number of Deans and University Professors and students. Abu Ali said that ISTD achieved the transformation into a digital department through adopting a package of projects, providing the tax services electronically, linking the department with the relevant departments and entities, using e-audit via AI, using the electronic digital control over factories, the e-reliance of e-invoice via the national e-invoicing system, adopting an electronic platform for the registration from outside the kingdom, establishing a specialized services center to respond to inquiries and questions, and promoting the culture of requesting an invoice via Fawateery application. ISTD DG said that amending the proof burden to be held by the auditor instead the taxpayer demanded a necessity of providing data and information for the auditors through e-linking, as the ISTD is electronically linked with the following entities: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Companies Control Department, Social Security Corporation, Lands and Survey department, Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department, the Securities Commission, he Jordanian Customs Department, Private Hospitals, the free Zones Company, Greater Amman Municipality, Investment Authority, and securities depository centers. Abu Ali pointed that ISTD finished designing an electronic program for the implementation of the digital control on cigarettes production factories after proceeding the necessary legislative amendments related to the direct control instructions, which enabled us to combat tax evasion and quickly discover it.

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