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Abu Ali from “Petra University”: The Invoicing imposed issuing the invoice electronically via the system

Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, DG of the Income & Sales Tax Department (ISTD), said that the national e-invoicing system is a reform national system that does not aim at imposing any type of taxes or increasing it; this system came specially for extracting the invoice data and archiving it electronically witho...


Abu Ali calls on public institutions to commit to dealing with those registered in the national invoicing system

Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, Director General of the Income and Sales Tax Department, called on all ministries, institutions and public bodies to adhere to the circular issued by the Minister of Finance regarding the request from the public institutions to adhere, when purchasing goods or obtaining services ...


Abu Ali from “AL Albait University”: Income & Sales Tax Department adopted a package of projects towards the transformation into a “Digital Department”

Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, DG of the Income & Sales Tax Department (ISTD) said that ISTD expanded the provision of taxpayers services electronically; it provided all the taxpayers services online without having to visit the department from its plan to improve the taxpayers and main partner’s services with ...


Income and Sales Tax: The Invoicing System Is Not Intended to Impose Taxes

Director General of the Income and Sales Tax Department, Hussam Abu Ali, said that the electronic national invoicing system is a national reform that does not aim to impose taxes or increase taxes. It is a regulatory system that came for the purposes of transferring invoice data and documenting it e...


Abu Ali: A technical support team for the E-Invoicing system integration No fines for those who register before the end of May

Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, Director General of the Income & Sales Tax Department, decided to form a technical support team for assisting the companies, establishments, professionals, craftsmen, service providers, and individuals obligated for registration in the national e-invoicing system to integrate the...


The Income Tax Department calls for registration with the electronic invoicing system before the end of May

The Director General of the Income and Sales Tax Department, Hossam Abu Ali, called on those obligated to the national electronic invoicing system, including companies, establishments, service providers, professionals, craftsmen, and individuals, and those obligated to the national electronic invoic...


Abu Ali: No fines for those obligated with e-invoicing system if they registered before the end of May


Income and Sales Tax Department achieves ISO certification for information security management


Income and Sales Tax Department: Extending the submission of original financial statements until May 30


This April 30th is the deadline for submitting income tax returns


Income and Sales Tax Department (ISTD) services are now available via SANAD App


Abu Ali calls for submission of 2023 income tax returns and registration in the E-invoicing system


Abu Ali calls for submission of 2023 income tax returns and registration in the E-invoicing system


Abu Ali: Verifying the commitment of suppliers and service providers to register with the national invoicing system


Abu Ali: Issuance of a document proving registration with the national einvoicing system for those obligated is now available through the department’s website

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