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ISTD : completing the legal and technical procedures by approving the electronic invoice in Jordan


Director General of the ISTD, Dr. Husam Abu Ali, called on taxpayers who are obligating by the national e - invoicing system to adhere to issuing the invoice electronically through the national e - invoicing system.

He said that companies, establishments, professionals, service providers, and craftsmen who are obligated to join the national e - invoicing system, who have computerized systems, are required to connect to the system and issue invoices electronically. Through the e - invoicing platform that was provided on the Department's website, which allows taxpayers to issue invoices through it if they do not have a computerized e - invoicing system.

Abu Ali said that after the construction of the national e - invoicing system was completed, which enables all taxpayers who are obligated to issue invoices to join the national e - invoicing system or link with the national e - invoicing system in a way that unifies the foundations and requirements of the tax invoice, whether it is for selling a good or providing a service in return for consideration. The electronic invoice issued by the national e - invoicing system or issued by a program that has been linked to the national e - invoicing system has been approved according to what was stated in the amended system for the Organizing and Controlling Invoicing Affairs Regulation, No. (13) for the year 2023.

The system also stipulates that the department shall issue the invoice and organize it according to the provisions of this system through the national e - invoicing system or the direct link with the program according to the time plan prepared for this purpose.

In addition, according to the amended system for the Organizing and Controlling Invoicing Affairs Regulation, No. (13) for the year 2023. The obligated companies, establishments, professionals, service providers and craftsmen who apply the national e - invoicing system are not required to keep hard copies of the invoices.

Dr. Husam Abu Ali said that the national e - invoicing system will have a role in facilitating and facilitating taxpayers and reducing human intervention. It will also have a role in facilitating procedures for auditing taxpayers' files and speeding up the completion of their transactions and obtaining tax clearance.


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