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Abu Ali: A technical support team for the E-Invoicing system integration No fines for those who register before the end of May

Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, Director General of the Income & Sales Tax Department, decided to form a technical support team for assisting the companies, establishments, professionals, craftsmen, service providers, and individuals obligated for registration in the national e-invoicing system to integrate their accounting systems and link them with the national e-invoicing system.
Abu Ali invited the companies, establishments, professionals, craftsmen, service providers, and individuals obligated to implement the national e-invoicing system to rush their registration and integration in the national e-invoicing system and settle their legal positions before the end of May in order to avoid exposition to fines and legal treatments and to benefit from the advantages offered by the department for those committed to the registration in the system.
Noting that the department declared that all the fines given to obligators dues to their failure into registration in the system will be waived directly when they register and integrate with the system before the end of May.
Income & Sales Tax Department provided an electronic portal on their website that offers the taxpayers to issue their invoices if they do not have an invoicing system or direct integration if they do have one.
He disclosed that, in accordance to the regulation amending the regulation for organizing and controlling invoicing affairs No. (13) of 2023 that the obligators from companies, establishments, professionals, craftsmen, service providers, and individuals who are implementing the national e-invoicing system are obligated to issue an electronic invoice via the e-invoicing system and are not required to keep paper copies of the invoices.

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