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Abu Ali: Amending the Aqaba Law aims to unify the tax administration


Hossam Abu Ali, Director General of the ISTD, said that the law amending the Aqaba Economic Zone Law for the year 2021, which granted the Income and Sales Tax Department the powers to audit, estimate and collect income tax and the general sales tax in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, came with the aim of unifying tax administration while preserving advantages. And exemptions for those registered in the Aqaba Economic Zone.

And he indicated that the amendment also came with the aim of serving taxpayers and investors and facilitating them in terms of simplifying and facilitating the procedures provided to them and removing any distortions or differences in the performance of the tax service, as well as working to raise the efficiency of auditing and applying unified standards on all tax files and ensuring that the tax service is provided to taxpayers with the desired speed and efficiency.

Abu Ali added, work will be done to unify all the files of taxpayers in the Aqaba region to serve them from one side instead of reviewing more than one party for the purposes of auditing or paying taxes.

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