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Abu Ali: No fines for those obligated with e-invoicing system if they registered before the end of May

Director General of the Income and Sales Tax Department, Hussam Abu Ali, said that the department will waive the fines incurred by merchants who take the initiative to join the national e- invoicing system, provided that they are integrated with the system before the end of next May. Abu Ali explained during his meeting with the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce today that the national einvoicing system is a national reform system that does not aim to impose taxes or increase taxes. It is a regulatory system that came for the purposes of transferring invoice data and documenting it electronically, and it was taken into account that the system should be easy and simple for all the users and it does not impose any financial or additional costs or burdens on them. He explained that Income and Sales Tax Department launched the Jordanian national e-invoicing system in 2022 to enable companies, establishments, professionals, craftsmen and individuals obligated to register with national einvoicing system. He indicated that the national e-invoicing system is capable of accommodating the issuance of 60 million invoices daily, noting that it takes into account various aspects of security and information protection. It is applied in global systems and was applied as a trail to a number of establishments and companies before its official launch. According to Abu Ali, it was taken into account to provide an easy and simple system for all users, and that it would be able to accommodate all the accounting systems used by the different sectors, and that it would be able to adapt to deal with these systems without making any changes to them. He explained that the system was issued based on the provisions of Income Tax Law No. 38 of 2018, through the provisions of Paragraph (F) of Article (23), during which the person was obligated to issue an original invoice in exchange for providing any service or selling any commodity in the Kingdom, and to organize all affairs Related to invoicing systems, their issuance and control, and the categories excluded from them under this system, and based on the provisions of Article (16) of the Regulation for organizing and controlling invoicing Affairs and Control No. (34) of 2019, Executive Instructions for invoicing Affairs and its Control No. (1) of 2019 were issued. Abu Ali said that the electronic invoicing platform are now available on the department’s website, which allows taxpayers to issue invoices through it if they do not have an invoicing system or directly integrate with the ISTD if they have an invoicing system. He stated that under the amended system for organizing and controlling invoicing affairs, No. (13) of 2023, obligated companies, establishments, professionals, service providers and craftsmen who apply the national electronic invoicing system are obligated to issue the invoice electronically through the invoicing system and are not required to keep paper copies of the invoices. He explained that the integration procedures are simple and easy, and will play a role in facilitating for the taxpayers. It will process to reduce human intervention, facilitate the procedures of auditing the taxpayers’ files, and speed up their obtaining of tax release. It will also contribute to eliminating the burden of transferring invoice books and financial statements from companies to companies. Tax auditors' offices. He pointed out that specialized sectorial work teams have been allocated to assist the categories included in the invoicing system, with the aim of meeting them, guiding them, educating them, assisting them technically, facilitating the procedures for connecting to the system, and using one of the platforms that suits each taxpayer. He stated that all taxpayers can communicate with the taxpayers’ services center in the department via phone or the WhatsApp application on the phone number 062222130 or through various social media sites for guidance, receiving the required assistance, answering their inquiries and comments, as well as helping them to conduct their transaction procedures electronically and responding to them in the shortest possible time. . From his side, Chairman of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Khalil Haj Tawfiq, said that the meeting held based on observations received from chambers of commerce, representatives of sectors, and the General Authority about the national invoicing system and the lack of clarity among many merchants who own small and medium enterprises about the mechanism for its implementation. Hajj Tawfiq added that an agreement had been concluded with the Income and Sales Tax Department to visit all governorates and meet with merchants with the aim of raising awareness and explaining the mechanisms and objectives of the national invoicing system, in addition to waiving fines for everyone who registers before the end of next month. Hajj Tawfiq called for the necessity of dealing with sectors that have special needs in light of the fact that a portion of small traders do not have the technical and financial ability to use computers and to connect with the new system. According to Hajj Tawfiq, it was agreed to appoint a liaison officer between the department and the chamber, while next week a tour will be undertaken that will start from Irbid Governorate and from the Irbid Chamber of Commerce, in addition to conducting field visits to the markets to closely examine the nature of the activity of these institutions on the ground. Hajj Tawfiq appreciated the cooperation of the Income and Sales Tax Department in opening the door to dialogue and cooperation in this and other areas. During the meeting, members of the Board of Directors raised a group of issues related to the national invoicing system, including technical challenges, lack of awareness and guidance on how to deal with the system, in addition to other challenges related to commercial transactions such as returning goods, the total daily invoice, and open invoices in some sectors. They stressed the need to intensify awareness campaigns for merchants, in addition to providing technical support services to link sales systems to the national invoicing system for free

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