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The Income Tax Department calls for registration with the electronic invoicing system before the end of May

The Director General of the Income and Sales Tax Department, Hossam Abu Ali, called on those obligated to the national electronic invoicing system, including companies, establishments, service providers, professionals, craftsmen, and individuals, and those obligated to the national electronic invoicing system who have not registered their activity in the system, to the necessity of registering their companies, establishments, and activity in the system and reconciling their situations legally, through Access an electronic link.


Abu Ali confirmed that the department will delete the fines imposed on those obligates to the national electronic invoicing system who did not register and join the national electronic invoicing system if they legally reconcile their situation and register in the system before the end of the current month of May.


Registrants can benefit from the advantages provided to them by the Income Tax Department, including speedy completion of their tax transactions, accelerating obtaining a clearance, postponing tax payment, eliminating the burden of transferring invoices and financial statements from companies and establishments to the offices of the department’s auditors, and treating the returns submitted by obligors in special treatment when Choose an audit sample.


The Department explained that all taxpayers can communicate with the Department’s Taxpayer Services Center via phone or the WhatsApp application on phone number 062222130 or through various social networking sites, for guidance, receiving the required assistance, answering their inquiries and comments, as well as helping them to conduct their transaction procedures electronically and responding to it without delay.

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